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    Research Chemicals FORUM

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Serious discussion, Legal Aspects, Journalism, Health & Detox, Collectibles, Herbal Blends, Collections, CHEMICAL RESEARCH AND PHARMACY, Pharmacy, THE REMAINING, Hyde Park

What to eat to flush the RC out of the body?

What to eat to flush the RC out of the body?

Do you have any of your own ways to efficiently get rid of RC from the body? Drinking water, will something be worth consuming?


Posty: 2

If you're going to have a test, it's best to use water, because the tests will be made of urine, and if you want to detoxify in general, use a lot of green vegetables and you should be fine, maybe some herbal teas.


Posty: 1

The detoxifying effect is mainly water, of course it flushes out toxins and just a lot of fresh vegetables, fruits, something that will remove toxins from the body.


Posty: 2

Green vegetables with chlorophyll are a way to detoxify the body, so you need to keep them in mind when you want to remove toxins and look for a way to do it.


Posty: 3