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Serious discussion, Legal Aspects, Journalism, Health & Detox, Collectibles, Herbal Blends, Collections, CHEMICAL RESEARCH AND PHARMACY, Pharmacy, THE REMAINING, Hyde Park

Penalty for being intoxicated

Penalty for being intoxicated

How does it currently look like, or if you are under the influence of intoxicants, does it come under possession and you can automatically expect any penalties for this?


Posty: 1

In Poland there is a penalty for possession, but being under the influence is not considered possession by law and thanks to that it will not be a problem that you will get a penalty. It's a bit weird, but it is what it is.


Posty: 4

Indeed, being under the influence itself will not be a penalty, unless you get into a car under the influence, then you will have to reckon with the same penalty as for driving under the influence of alcohol.


Posty: 1

I guess it's a bit stupid because if you get caught with dopki you have a possession penalty, but if you are under the influence it will not be considered possession and there will be no risk of punishment.


Posty: 4